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Archive for Month: November 2016

Top 7 reasons why you should plan for your financial future today

Whether you are sailing along mid-career or on the verge of retirement, it’s important to plan for your future. Financial planning works towards a goal and helps you protect your financial life. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. This famous quote applies best for those planning for retirement but I strongly feel that even those who feel too young should consider it. Investing in your future today may turn out to be a better retirement tomorrow. Here are some reasons why you need to plan for future finances today.

I.                    To manage change in your goals

A good financial plan gives you the flexibility to alter your financial strategies in order to meet your new objectives. For effectiveness, you should weigh several factors like cash flows and the potential for taking a risk based on the goals. Reviewing your financial plan regularly is important since it allows you to make informed decisions regarding opportunities that arise in the future.

II.                 For financial freedom

Financial freedom should be an achievement in your life. You may be planning to quit your job tomorrow so having your financial plan will help you a lot. There are many benefits of having a sound financial plan like stability and flexibility. You are able to choose the right types of investments to fit your needs and personality.

III.               For protection in bad times

Life is not always a bed of roses. Balancing between various types of insurance such as life, medical and home can be a challenge. It’s important to have an emergency fund as an integral part of any financial plan. Having a good financial plan helps you identify how much insurance you need to protect yourself and future family. Planning the right way when things are good and with a balanced portfolio, you will be able to get through tough times just fine. Coordinating your cash reserve goal with your insurances will help you maintain your financial security.

IV.               For marital happiness

Maintaining a good budget and financial stability will help you big time. Everyone want to avoid roadblocks that come with past due payments and poor budgeting. Financial strength without focus can never lead to a healthy future. Many people have a healthy income but they inevitably spend more than they earn thus leading a miserable life. With a good financial plan, you are able to spend just enough and save more thus a happy future.

V.                 You become a planner, not a saver

Successful people set goals and develop a plan to achieve them. Those people who plan for their future end up with more wealth. Being a good planner makes you a goal oriented person and you are able to take control of your life. Taking control of your life is an important step towards improving your financial independence and security. Planning for your future finances helps you achieve a lot more than you had planned for yourself.

VI.               To free up your time

Once you have a financial plan in place it will be easy to know your financial strength and weaknesses. This will be easy if you are meeting your goals. It will very easily to find out if there something else you need to know when your finances are well managed. Stop worrying about money just ensures your finances are fine and focus on enhancing your lifestyle.

VII.            To achieve your goals

A financial plan is a road map to your future since it tells you where you are and the steps to take to get where you would like to be. Your financial plan needs to be regularly monitored to ensure you remain on track. Having a financial plan helps you to know how long you need to save to obtain what you want. Financial planning is the most important step anyone can take towards achieving


If you understand your priorities then achieving a financially independent life is easy. Always set achievable goals and take the right path toward achieving them. Look at yourself as a financial asset. Always remember that investing in yourself will pay off in the future. Improving your career can have a bigger impact on your financial security so it’s important to always make smart career choices.

Top 7 things not to do when renting a car

Renting a car gives you a huge advantage over waiting for public transportation or paying for a taxi. When renting a rude it’s important you grasp the full details regarding the rental agreement. You should definitely do your research and ask plenty of questions so that you know exactly what you are paying for in your rental car. You should know the outs of renting a car to avoid the hidden fees often charged by rental agencies.

1)     Failing to check for a place to refuel on your way back

Immediately after you pick the car you should find a place to refuel it. As you drive away from the rental agencies you should take not note of the local gas stations and make a plan to return to the cheapest at the end of your rental. A new environment can be confusing and unfamiliar so you should do your search when you not pressed for time.

2)     Ignoring potential offers for upgrades

Reserving a low-priced car is recommended since it easier for you to inquire about upgrades at the rental desk. It works best during busy seasons when the garage is running low of cheapest vehicles. They may offer you a very affordable upgrade to a larger car class due to inventory management issues. If the desk agent asks you if you interested in a larger tell them it depends on the price. They might give you a bigger car and a minimal additional cost. This will make your trip more exciting and memorable since big cars tend to do well even in the most horrible weather roads.

3)     Failing to inspect the car

Before signing the rental contract you should inspect the car thoroughly. This will prevent you from being held accountable for existing damage. If you spot any dent or scratch you should have an employee sign off on them. Many people ignore the signing of inspection form offered by rental companies claiming to be in a hurry. It’s important to take this step seriously since it saves you from an extra fee charged.

4)     Failing to return on time

Bringing your car back ahead of time or later than agreed upon it may cost you additional fees. It’s important to ask for the company policy if you anticipate a change in drop-off time. You shouldn’t wait until it’s too late to avoid regrets.

5)     Leaving final inspection to chance

With technology advancing each day the procedure of returning cars now resembles checking out of a hotel. With hotels, you normally leave your keycard on the night table and leave with only a wave to the front desk. Most car rental agencies have taken a similar path. You only follow signs leading you to the back of a row with recently returned cars, take off your staff, leave the key in the car and walk away without talking to anyone. This feels unsettling since anything can happen for leaving the car without any checking. It’s advisable to take a photo or a video of a slow walk around the car to avoid incurring any extra fees after the car is inspected.

6)     Including additional names in the contract

If you need someone else to drive during your trip, you’ve got to pay more. You will need to include the additional name on your rental contract thus increasing the cost. When choosing the driver age is the main factor since drivers aged 21-25 years tend to be expensive. The important thing to do is to minimize the number of drivers so as to avoid extra fees.

7)     Failing to review your car insurance

Rental car insurance doesn’t safeguard rented vehicles in the event an accident happens. Consult your agent before you accept the insurance option offered by the rental agent. If you already have the coverage on your personal car there are high chances that it transfers to any rental cars thus avoiding much hustle.


Bring your own accessories and save big. If you need a child seat or a GPS system you should pack them together with your traveling extras. Many rental companies are offering new car refueling option. Unless you running out of time or you completely sure you will return the tank empty you shouldn’t opt for this one. Their cost of refueling your car is always higher the cost of doing it yourself. You manage your time well in order to do everything before your next appointment or flight.

Why you should seek professional advice before starting a business

Seeking professional advice from your business adviser, mentor or financial adviser can really help you to set up a business and minimize your financial problems. A good business adviser has a lot of expertise and they can explain any regulations that may apply to your business. When choosing your adviser it’s advisable to ask for their fee upfront since this varies. A higher-ticket adviser has a lot of experience and he can save you from making costly mistakes. Having the correct information when starting a business is essential. Here are the key points why it’s important to seek professional advice before starting a business.

To have a second opinion before making the big decision

The most reasonable thing to do when making a big decision is to seek advice from various sources. We all make big decisions throughout our lives that are as important as starting a business. Picking the right site for your job and choosing the sole source of finance are big decisions that require independent business advice for support. You can use your business adviser or financial advisers to give you a second opinion since its boosts your confidence thus making the big decision without having sleepless nights over it.

To get the answers to the most important questions

Independent business advice has moved on a long way in the intermediation of business. Business advisers answer the most important questions about business choice and set up. They help young entrepreneurs define their goals and then put the finances in place to support their goals. Seeking professional advice helps any entrepreneur to make a sensible decision about reaching their main goal in life.

To get integrated with financial schemes

Getting financial advice from a licensed financial adviser will positively benefit you. He will consider your personal situation and recommend a suitable product for you and you guaranteed of protection in case anything goes wrong. In a case of any complaint about the advice you receive is easy to settle since you have recourse to an independent complaint scheme. You can also refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service if you are not satisfied with the outcomes from your adviser. This helps a lot in the safety of your business and its independent growth.

They help you create a business plan

Seeking professional advice assists you in creating a well-structured business plan that will help your business become a success .A business plan is an essential thing for your business. A well-detailed business plan sets the direction of the business and also keeps you on track once it’s up and running. Business advisers also help you in writing a business plan for securing your business finances. They tell you the importance of regularly reviewing your business plan to keep it up to date.


A professional business adviser helps you in setting up a market plan with realistic and measurable objectives. It helps your customers understand why your service is different from your competitors. A professional advice is significant even when you changing your financial positions since it helps you achieve your long and short-term goals.